NewsCritic Publisher Speaks On Surviving As A Youth In Economic Crisis At CPM National Youth Seminar

By NewsCritic Reporters

The Publisher of NewsCritic online Newspaper and Guest Analysts Flo FM Umuahia Newspaper Review segment, Mr Chika Nwabueze, has admonished Nigerian youths to focus on short term solutions that could get them through this period of economic challenge in the country arising from the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.

Mr Chika Nwabueze spoke as a Guest Speaker at the Christian Pentecostal Mission, CPM, Extra-ordinary Youth Conference at the church’s regional headquarters, Umuahia on the theme “Surviving As A Youth In Economic Crisis”.  

The Guest Speaker stressed that the youths should get creative about how they can leverage on their skills and turn them into short term business, adding that we were created with special talents and abilities that can make us valuable to ourselves and others.

He said that “our most valuable asset in terms of cash flow, according to Brian Tracy, is “your earning ability”. He said your ability to work enables you to bring money into your life by applying your knowledge and skills to your world”.

The NewsCritic Publisher pointed out that being young in Nigeria is very challenging as the opportunities for jobs are hardly available. He pointed out that with COVID-19, we can expect an exponential rise in the nation’s already staggering youth unemployment.

The Guest Speaker regretted that it is too bad that there is no safety net or social protection for the youths to access grants from government or organisations to start own business. He disclosed that according to the Economic Sustainability Committee Report, the current economic crisis risks pushing an additional 39.4 million Nigerians into unemployment by December 2020.

The CPM Youth pastor and Chika Nwabueze, Guest speaker

He charged the youths to find opportunities elsewhere, like providing individual lessons or consulting online, questioning why “can’t you start that home based business now?

The publisher has also delivered a lecture to the youths of Assemblies of God Church, Ohokobe Afara-Umuahia on “Career Development” during their National Youth Day.

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