I Didn’t Issue Any Statement Seeking States Autonomy To Control The Police Force- Kazie Uko

My attention has been drawn to a misleading report online alleging that I, as the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Abia State, had issued a statement on behalf of Abia State Government, asserting the autonomy of state governments to manage the police force.

The General public and relevant institutions are advised to disregard this falsehood as neither the Abia State Government nor the Office of the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor had issued any statement purportedly calling for the autonomy of states to manage the police. 

I recall speaking with a reporter, who had called me up on the phone during the week, asking for my reaction on a supposed passage of a bill on state police by the National Assembly. I had told him I did not have any reaction as I had not heard the news and therefore did not have the details of the said bill. 

I must acknowledge that I had interrogated some of the things he told me during our phone discussion, since I could hardly make sense out of them. How this now became a statement from me, beats my imagination.

The Abia State Government had always made its position clear on any issue of importance to the public and if and when the need arises, the Government will make her stance clear on the issue of state police.

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