Prof Greg Ibe Greets Abians On Christmas, Enjoins Christians To Imbibe The True Spirit Of Love

It is now that time of the year again when all over the world, people gather to celebrate the festivities associated with Christmas. This year’s celebration offers us the opportunity to ponder on the blessings which have attained us all this year and also, the significance which the birth of Jesus Christ portends.

On this joyful occasion, we must continue to offer thanks to God while ensuring goodwill and continuous harmony among ourselves. More so, at this time when the world is currently experiencing various forms of a global pandemic, we must as a matter of precaution, celebrate in keeping with all health protocols as stipulated by government to further protect ourselves and our loved ones.

In Abia State and throughout our nation, Nigeria, I call upon our people and all who celebrate to conscientiously propagate the spirit of Christmas which is copiously underscored by gifts-giving, spreading joy and good cheer and in so doing, strive to build and maintain togetherness and
peace even as we join hands to bring to existence, a renewed Abia State of our dreams.

May the blessings of God continuously abide with us even as we are imbued with courage to make impactful decisions in furthering the fortunes of our dear Abia State and our country, Nigeria. May this special occasion of the commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ bring
peace, prosperity and untold happiness to us all. Amen. In Abia State and around our country, Nigeria, offer my glad tidings to all.

Merry Christmas and A Bounteous New Year!

Professor Gregory Ikechukwu Ibe Ph D., OFR, Enyi AbaFounder/Chanceltor, Gregory University Uturu, Abia State

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