By Polemics.
Perceived or tangible
gains, direct influence, and impacts on South East politics in 2023 general elections, following Soludo’s electoral victory in 2021 Anambra State, would be clearer and more visible as time rolls on.
At the moment, there is cause to celebrate among the rank of avowed advocates, proponents, and schools of thoughts on “radical transformation” of political leadership in South East.
Soludo’s overwhelming victory in the polls represented major tipping point, in terms of the direction of “strategic paradigm shift”, with reference to the elite corps of professionals of the South East, in the context of inclusion or active participation in politics.
A glorious dawn of political “enlightenment” and statesmanship, progressively is taking deep roots in Anambra State politics.
Especially, in the critical organ verging on governorship office and the executive branch of the three-tier democratic system of governance.
With Peter Obi, Willie Obiano, and Professor Soludo respectively on the list as former occupant, incumbent occupant, and Governor-Elect, the presence and roots of core professional elite personalities, in Anambra State Governorship Office, can be described as well established and deepened. The trio, remarkably are core professionals from diverse backgrounds vocationally.
Peoples’ power defined in the context of electoral mandate, constitute the strategic channel for effecting desirable or desired changes without resorting to violent means. Here lies the beauty and strength of democracy as a form of government, despite the inherent challenges or deficiencies.
Soludo’s decisive popular mandate is the main reason behind the feelings of excitements, hope, euphoria, in Anambra State particularly; and South East, generally.
The paradigm shift did not happen accidentally. It was the outcome of deliberate decision, planning, transformed into concrete and precise actions. Credits to the voters in Anambra, APGA, Soludo, INEC, and host of stakeholders, respectively.
Anambra State is on the threshold of epic transition. The State is basking in the brightening sunshine of a new chapter in the delicate arts and science of political leadership.
Governor Willie Obiano’s tenure and stewardship, gradually but swiftly is winding down. Soludo, on the side line, is warming up for inauguration, change of baton, and assumption of duty accordingly.
Notwithstanding threats associated with post-election controversies and distractions, Soludo, is dressing up to swing into business.
Soludo’s score cards as Anambra State chief executive, ultimately would be highly influential as reference point, in shaping the course of South East politics, subsequently. Particularly governorship elections in 2023.
Impressive performance backed by robust score card would catalyze voters in South East, to support and vote for candidates who parade Soludo-type impressive credentials and re’sume, irrespective of political parties platforms.
The clamour or issue of “mainstreaming” South East politics closely with governing party at the federal level, though desirable, is nothing compared to key issue of identifying with responsible and responsive leadership at the strategic state level, specifically in governorship position.
Individuals, (not necessarily political parties), as elected leaders, agendas, policies, and programs, determine effectiveness or otherwise of impactful governance. Though, there are demonstrable cases of lethargy, indolence among some elected states’ leaders, cutting across the broad swathe of political fabrics.
Evidently, political parties, as organs, are losing influence and relevance in the local and national contexts in shaping effectively policies or programs directions. This is the trending circumstance in Nigeria, presently.
Governors as chief executives, preeminently are deemed to be accountable in determining success or failure rates in leadership at states’ levels. Leadership, primarily is a critical question or function of a leader’s mindset, and willpower.
Political parties can brighten (or darken) prospects of embracing good fortunes in 2023 elections, especially if the Soludos of South East can be attracted to join the ranks.
Soludo-types in question, necessarily must not be publicly acclaimed political figures or equated to professional politicians or debased political prostitutes.
On the contrary, the most important prescriptions or criteria, include certified abilities or reputations to perform well in leaderships roles; evince and win back confidence of the populace on government as public institution charged with overseeing well being of the citizenry; inclusion of personalities of impeccable stature in political engagements.
Defective breed of characters and politicians who corrupt, degrade, desecrate, pollute, and trample on politics as avenue and means of accumulation of ill-gotten wealth; unrestrained self-aggrandizement; constitute the greatest enemies of the society, politically, economically, and socially. These elements are the “liabilities” and not “assets”.
The elite professional corps harbours some of these characters, as other segments of any society. These types must be weeded.
The victorious emergence of Professor Soludo; failures on the parts of some notable candidates; were highly instructive proofs as evidence of acceptance or rejection by voters in 2021 Anambra State polls.
South East states in 2023 must harness effectively “remnants” of these corps of tremendous human resources, personified by Professor Soludo, to chart new course and directions politically.
Anambra State has blazed the trail and justified the rationale.
The rest of South East states are expected to complete the process to its logical end in 2023.
There no more can be denying or depriving deliberately Soludos of South East, opportunities of teaming up to brighten, reshape, and transform the political landscapes and architectures of the zone through synergies, leveraging on contesting and winning elections to serve people of South East.
It’s the sacred duties of the respective political parties; voters; Soludo-type candidates, key stakeholders to join forces in realizing the noble objective in 2023.
Agenda 23 beckons on speedily.